My Sakha

Today in the jungle I had a reminiscence of my previous life,
The branch with a swing where my Sakha and I swung,
Where we pushed each other turn by turn,
Squealing with joy as we went up the sky with no concern.

Today in the jungle I had a reminiscence of my previous life,
Where I found my Sakha in deep sleep with a hard stone under his head,
Slowly lifting his head I put it on my lap and in my embrace,
All the while beatific just looking at his angelic face.

Today in the jungle I had a reminiscence of my previous life,
Where my Sakha fortuitously put his feet in a muddy puddle,
Lifting it I washed it with my tears pouring out of devotion,
Before wiping it dry with my hair and with affection.

Today in the jungle I had a reminiscence of my previous life,
Where my Sakha’s flute lay on the ground since years gone by,
Playing soul-reaching music thus he moved every being into a trance,
Eyes closed I used to dance in divine romance.

Today in the jungle I made a huge realisation of my life,
Why was I  searching for my Sakha everywhere all the time,
Walking aimlessly as though in reverie and unaware food I had shun,
Oblivious about my hair and clothes which had become undone.
Calling Kanha-Kanha, Krishna-Krishna mindlessly,
Suddenly I grasped the fact staring straight at me,
My Sakha had not left me, he had gone nowhere, it’s just that I did not see,
He was here all the time…
He is here, right here within me.

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